My Dog's Hair Salon

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National Walk Your Dog Week

As you probably know, there are many health benefits for taking dogs on a walk; lower blood pressure and weight loss, to name a few. However, did you know that proper paw care is just as important?

In fact, proper paw care can significantly improve your furry friend’s quality of life. For example, overgrown nails can contribute to major health issues including sore feet, legs and hips, splayed toes and overall discomfort. A great way to prepare for National Walk Your Dog Week is by keeping an eye out for overgrown toenails; cracked or dry pads; and long hair between toes.

Dog owners commonly wait too long between nail clippings. Overgrown nails can contribute to major health issues including sore feet, legs and hips and overall discomfort.

When the temperature goes up, dogs spend more time indoors meaning their paws encounter less friction, causing nails to be longer. Since dogs may go weeks or even months between grooming appointments, groomers must always clip excess nails. The more frequently the nails are filed the shorter the quick becomes and the dog can walk normally on his pads.

Use a paw cream to keep pads from drying out.

 Hot weather wreaks havoc on dog paws. The hot pavement dries out the pads and long hair can catch and hold in stickers and cactus and foxtails that can create abscesses in between the toes.

So now that the weather is getting cooler make sure your dogs nails are trimmed so he can walk without pain and injury to his joints.